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The Computer Clinic


Desktops - Laptops 

Starting at $199.00 Lay Away Available

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Get You Computer Repaired for as low as $39.99 !


Home Services Recycle New Systems Repairs Refurbished Systems

We Make House Calls

$39.99   Repair Fee

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To Schedule same day appointment

(864) 498-4608



                        If You Do Not Need Parts         

Your Cost Is  $ 39.99 

     We fix all Microsoft Windows based PC computer problems. The labor cost is always $39.99. Most computer repairs don't require any parts and are just a matter of reconfiguring or reinstalling the operating system . If you do need a new piece of hardware this is very affordable.

    If you're having problems installing Windows XP, we  know exactly what needs to be done. We are  always glad to look at your computer and let you know what is wrong with it before repairs start.

    Most computer repairs take less then 1 hour. We offer a 30 day warrantee on all repairs.

    If your computer is infected with a virus, malicious coding, or spy ware, this can be easily fixed.

    Lighting is the biggest threat to your computer's operation. Without your even knowing it, there could be a power spike which leaves all your other appliances and electronic equipment working fine, but your computer is either not working at all or just not working right.

    Even though power supply failure is one of the biggest computer repair problems, a lot of people jump to conclusions only to find themselves wasting money and being frustrated. An experienced computer repair technician  will always test the power supply with a special testing devise ensuring you that the right computer problem gets fixed fast and inexpensively.

We Do Networking

Home or Business

Virus Info

You can prevent your computer from getting infected 

by email viruses by doing the following:

  •     DO NOT open any attachments in an email unless it is something that you specifically requested.

  •     Use anti-virus software and make sure that it is updated weekly. Most anti-virus software can update itself automatically. 

              Most of these viruses are sent from people you know who have you in 

their address book. Therefore, someone  you know and trust may have sent you 

a virus without even knowing it.

       You can find virus information and anti-virus software that will automatically 

scan your incoming email online at:


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